Access the original Pentest Copilot here

Test Your Employees with Realistic Phishing Simulations

Empower your security teams to identify and mitigate phishing risks with AI-driven campaigns and detailed response tracking.

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AI Powered Phishing Campaigns

Leverage AI capabilities to create hyper-customized phishing payloads based on context and intelligence gathered from previous reconnaissance.

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Pre-Made Phishing Templates

Our platform provides pre-made templates like Google Workspace, LinkedIn, GitHub and others allowing the organisation to quickly launch a phishing campaign

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Seamless Integration with Email Providers

Guarantee the deliverability of phishing emails to popular email providers like Gmail, Outlook, and others.

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Simulated Credential Harvesting

Simulate credential harvesting attempts to evaluate how your organisation responds to actual phishing attacks. Monitor the collection of harvested credentials and track how Pentest Copilot leverages them to identify potential exploits.

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Detailed Phishing Response Tracking

Track and report employee responses to phishing simulations in real-time, monitoring click rates, email open rates, credential submission rates, and other key metrics within your phishing campaign.

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Spam Filter Bypass

Our platform is designed with advanced configurations to bypass common spam filters, ensuring that phishing simulations emails reach the intended target inboxes without being flagged.